My name is Isaac Holton. I have just recently graduated the University of Tulsa as a film student with a theater minor. Over my educational history I have experienced a distinctly different educational background. I started at Tulsa Tech before I graduated from high school. While there I completed curriculums about everything from web design, to office skills, from network security to sound and video design. During that time I graduated high school and completed an associate degree at Tulsa Community College. From there I transferred to the University of Tulsa’s film department.
Lorton Performing Arts Center - University of Tulsa - 2011-2013
For two years I worked at the Lorton PAC on the TU campus as a theater hand. While there I did almost every job a theater can offer. I ran lights, sound, and projections. I worked on the flyrail and programed lights for shows. I did some carpentry, hung light plots, and did stage managing.
Film Studies Department - University of Tulsa - 2011-2013
I also worked in the Film Department at TU. While there I cataloged the equipment, setup a checkin/checkout system, maintained equipment, assisted in the procurement of new equipment, gave simple tutorials on proper use of equipment to students checking it out, helped update the policies regarding the equipment, and maintained a lab of editing computers.
University of Tulsa various other departments - 2011-14.
The University of Tulsa film department occasionally receives jobs from both on and off campus. They then pass them out to students that they think can do the jobs. I have received several of these opportunities. I have filmed a concert, created an advertisement for the security engineering department, and, closer to home, reorganized and updated the film department’s equipment checkout and storage. I also was a teacher's assistant for a time after I graduated.
First United Methodist Church - 2011-2013
Even before high school I volunteered at FUMC. During my sophomore year in high school I was hired to setup and run sound for events and services. I also do odd jobs for the media department from editing sound clips for services to creating video promos and screens for the display TVs. I also still volunteer for various departments and create promo videos for events.
Odd Jobs - Ongoing.
All throughout those jobs, I have done miscellaneous for various people. I have created a website, done basic computer repair and training, and manipulated movies to fit people’s time limits, or messages. I also edited the first several episodes of the television show, Cooktime with Remmi.
The University of Tulsa — Film major, Theater Tech minor, 2013.
Tulsa Community College — Liberal Arts, 2011.
Tulsa Tech — 2006-2011
Final Cut Pro 7 & X. Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, Shockwave, Dreamweaver, After Effects, Motion, Adobe Premiere and Avid. I have been trained on both Mac and Windows. I am proficient in Microsoft’s Office suite and Apple’s iWork suite. I can program an EOS console and I also have an electrician’s certification at the Tulsa PAC.